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Felső-Bácska-Homokhát Natúrpark


Backa bunker tour along the EuroVelo13 Iron Curtion Trail Cycle Route

Short discription:

Under the two-day round tour we can get to know the military heritage of the Southern Protection System at the Bács-Kiskun county section. The route is driving through Bácsalmás-Kunbaja-Csikéria-Tompa, than Tompa-Kelebia-Kisszállás-Mélykút-Bácsalmás. Tourguiding at each interpretation centre may be asked from the organizer Tourist Office Bácsalmás.

  • Distance: 100 km
  • Duration: 2 days/1 night
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Recommended for: student, adult
  • Proposed period: throughout the year
  • priority period: June-August

Program organizer:  Felső-Bácskai és Homokháti Értékmegőrző Natúrpark Egyesület

Name: Mrs. Némethné Légrády Kinga

Phone: +36 (30) 7434962

E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


  • Route: Bácsalmás-Kunbaja-Csikéria-Tompa
  • Distance: 50 km
  • Programs:
    • Lake Sós Nature Trail of Bácsalmás (Bácsalmási Sós-tó tanösvény)
    • Naturepark House of Bácsalmás (Natúrpark Ház – Bácsalmás)
    • bunker tour at enhanced fuel - and observation posts of the Southern Protection System at Bácsalmás
    • , School chapel of Vöröserdő (Vöröserdei iskola épülete)
    • Redl Castle and St. Anne's Church (Redl-kastély és Szent Anna-templom)
  • Quarters: Hunters guest house of Sáskalapos in Tompa  (Sáskalaposi vadászház - Tompa)

 On the first day we can learn about the natural and cultural heritage of Bácsalmás and Upper Bácska area of Upper Bácska and Sand Ridge Nature Park and get to know the enhanced fuel - and observation posts of the Southern Protection System at Bácsalmás, moreover we can learn the area's only remaining school chapel, which the owner presents on request.

In the second half of the day we can discover by expertguide the castle and park of Redl family completed in the early 1830s in romantic style, furthermore we can access to the St. Anne's Church next to the castle, which was built up by the family around the turn of 19th and 20th century. From the chuch the locals keep that it is a miniature of the Mathias Church of Budapest.

  • Route: Tompa-Kelebia-Kisszállás-Mélykút-Bácsalmás
  • Distance: 50 km
  • Programs:
    • Naturepark House of Kelebia
    • Bunker tour at enhanced fuel - and observation posts of the Southern Protection System at Kelebia
    • School chapel of Kisszállás
    • Memorial House of Szvetnik Joachim
    • Amateur private observatory of Carl Sagan
  • Quarters:  

On the second day we can learn about the natural and cultural heritage of Kelebia and Homokhát area of Upper Bácska and Sand Ridge Nature Park and get to know the enhanced fuel - and observation posts of the Southern Protection System at Kelebia.

In the second half of the day we can discover by expert the area's only remaining school chapel. We can admire in Mélykút the Memorial House, that preserves and proclaims the memory of Szvetnik Joachim, one of the biggest talent of  goldsmith's art in Hungary. Than we can visit an amateur private observatori in Mélykút.

Detailing program elements: